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ServiceNow Partner Films

I began contracting at ServiceNow in Fall 2023. I was lucky enough to help the films team on a few projects, including a couple of partner films. Each highlighted ServiceNow's commitment to helping their customers streamline their operations and align themselves for the future.

The first film was created for Aston Martin highlighting their Formula 1 integration. We told the story of how AMF1 used ServiceNow to take out the silos dividing their teams. Using our platform they streamlined their processes and their 850 employees worked more efficiently. Automation allowed them to solve many problems themselves, freeing them to focus on their main goal: winning races.

Visually, I sought inspiration from the classic Steve McQueen films LeMans and The Thomas Crown Affair. Multiple screens depicting multiple scenes, allowing us to amp up the action and energy.

The film, When Fast Works, was shown at the company keynote in an ultrawide 4:1 aspect ration on an enormous screen.



The second film was for the National Hockey League. For this film, we just told the real story. ServiceNow simply listening to the NHL before pitching them a slew of products. Moving fast to fix their disperate systems and prepping them for the future.

We shot for two days in New York at their headquarters in addition to the Islanders home arena.




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Global AI Video

My first film project for ServiceNow was this global AI video. We localized it for the U.S., U.K., Germany, and Japan. The unique challenge was assembling different footage for each of the markets, a very laborious process. This was the American cut.




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My experience working on customer events at Dreamforce came in handy at ServiceNow. I worked on a sizzle video for their keynote for developers, CreatorCon. This was also looped in their zone on the floor of the show.



I was also tasked with designing the elements for the company store at Knowledge24, including much of the swag. We topped off with $157k in sales and over 20k transactions. They sold out of everything except a few caps.




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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

When visiting dignitaries from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came to ServiceNow headquarters, I was tasked with designing all the welcome graphics for the presentation.




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Ron Lim, art director, creative director, one show, portfolio